
The Birth of Gratitudinal

This story began in 2009. I was driving for a limousine company, and the owner of the company started having health problems. I became concerned about my job stability if something were to happen to the owner, so for the next two years I tried to work other jobs part time while still driving the limo, to no avail.In 2011, the owner passed away, and I was then determined to get out of that job, because I was unsure if the owner’s son would continue the business. It was at that time I started noticing some limousines driving up and down the highway that had a logo of a green tree, little boy, and a dog on the side. I sought out to find the company the limos belonged to. It turned out to be the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. I applied for employment with them and was hired as a driver.

Two weeks after I started that job, I went on a preplanned vacation and upon returning from that vacation, I underwent a biopsy on my prostate. I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Prostate Cancer. Two months later, I had completed my treatment at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America with no chemo and no cancer drugs. I had only five treatments of radiation and I was done and cancer free!

Most people who get diagnosed with cancer go through a period of ‘why me’, but I never had that because I was already working at what I felt was the greatest cancer hospital there was. There was still a question of ‘why me’, meaning I was wondering why was I so blessed to have my situation turn out the way that it did. It was at that point that I realized that it was all divine intervention, not only was I placed where I needed to be for my own health, but that God also placed me where he wanted me to be for all of the others that I would later meet.

My limo then became a mobile church where I shared success stories of other patients and encouraged others to just have just a mustard seed’s worth of faith. I even passed out mustard seeds to the patients for encouragement. During that time, I wanted to be able to express how I felt to have had my situation turn out the way that it did, and so “Gratitudinal” was born. After putting myself in a Gratitudinal mindset, I found that my life had become easier and less stressful. I encourage everyone to adopt a Gratitudinal mindset.

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